Home Tech Instagram Unveils New App to Challenge Twitter: Introducing Threads

Instagram Unveils New App to Challenge Twitter: Introducing Threads


Instagram’s Threads App Aims to Surpass Twitter, says Meta Chief Mark Zuckerberg

Industry experts predict that Threads, Instagram’s latest app, could attract dissatisfied Twitter users who are unhappy with recent platform changes.

Threads, which currently excludes the European Union, offers users the ability to post up to 500 characters and boasts several features reminiscent of Twitter.

In a post, Mark Zuckerberg emphasized the importance of maintaining a friendly atmosphere on the platform, stating that it is crucial for its long-term success.

However, Twitter CEO Elon Musk responded, saying, “Being targeted by strangers on Twitter is far more preferable than embracing the false happiness of Instagram’s pain-hiding approach.”

When asked about Threads potentially outpacing Twitter, Zuckerberg commented, “It may take time, but I believe there should be a public conversation platform with over 1 billion users. Twitter had the chance to achieve this but fell short. Hopefully, we can succeed.”

Critics of the app have raised concerns about its potential data usage, including personal information such as health, finances, and browsing habits tied to user identities, according to the Apple App Store.

Threads is now available for download in over 100 countries, including the UK, but its release in the EU is delayed due to regulatory considerations.

Within its first four hours, the app amassed five million sign-ups, according to Zuckerberg.

How does Threads work?
Threads Enable the Seamless Sharing of Posts Between Instagram and Vice Versa, Supporting Links, Photos, and Videos up to Five Minutes in Length.

Despite initial reports of image uploading issues, Threads offers users a feed of posts, referred to as “threads” by Meta, from accounts they follow and recommended content.

Users have control over who can mention them and can filter out replies containing specific words.

Unfollowing, blocking, restricting, and reporting profiles are all features available on Threads, with Instagram blocks automatically carrying over.

Although Meta emphasizes its connection to Instagram, media coverage has highlighted its resemblance to Twitter, leading some investors to dub it a potential “Twitter killer.” Elon Musk, CEO of Twitter, recently limited the number of tweets users could view per day as part of his promotion of Twitter Blue, the platform’s subscription service.

Twitter has also announced plans to put its popular user dashboard, TweetDeck, behind a paywall within 30 days.

Under Elon Musk’s leadership, many Twitter users have publicly voiced dissatisfaction with the platform and his management, citing erratic behavior and political viewpoints.

In a lighthearted exchange, Musk and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg even jokingly agreed to a potential cage fight, with Zuckerberg’s early posts on Threads mentioning his interest in mixed martial arts.

While Threads is accessible in the UK, its launch in the EU is currently delayed due to regulatory uncertainties, particularly surrounding the EU’s Digital Markets Act.

This act outlines regulations on data sharing between large companies like Meta that own multiple platforms, which directly impacts the sharing of data between Threads and Instagram.

Meta maintains a strong commitment to privacy protection as a core aspect of its business.

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